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A member registered Oct 11, 2018

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Brilliant, thank you Laura :) 

Do you have any plans to release on Steam/other platforms — perhaps with your future 'deluxe' edition? I do so hate Steam's monopoly, but on the other hand I'd also hate to see this not touch many more people who don't use this ecosystem. 

Is there anywhere I can subscribe to be notified about the OST/artbook package? (I.e. if it is listed under this game page, I don't know if following you on Itch will notify me)

Yes, this please!

Do you get a higher percentage of the sale value if I purchase here over Steam when the game releases? No idea what Itch's cut is. Is there an approved method for bug reporting/feedback?

(PS: I'm buying; it looks excellent and I thoroughly enjoyed what I have played. I've been eagerly awaiting since RPS first covered it.)

So I'm not the only person that immediately thought of the GROW games!

I didn't realise they were so well known.